
Diabetics should prepare before disaster

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., July 14 (UPI) -- U.S. endocrinologists urge diabetics to take precautions before a hurricane, wildfire, flood or other disaster happens.

The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Eli Lilly and Co. say the chaos of a disaster can interfere with daily routines needed to manage the disease. Erratic eating and disrupted timing of medication doses can cause blood sugar levels to change, as can the stress induced by a natural disaster.


"Taking the time to prepare a disaster kit in advance is crucial because once a storm or other emergency threatens, there's usually too little time to make all of the necessary arrangements," Dr.Victor Roberts, an AACE spokesman, said in a statement.

Roberts advises making a list of past and present medications -- including pharmacies for active prescriptions -- and adverse reactions to medications and past and present complications as well as a list of medical conditions and surgeries.

Diabetics should prepare and properly store a 30-day supply of all medication, these may include insulin, oral anti-diabetic agents and a glucagon emergency kit -- if prescribed by a physician.

More advice is available at

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